Saturday, March 2, 2024

Sorry not sorry

 Only you didn’t forgive me for leaving you in the dust.  Only you couldn’t accept that so you came for me. Not just you even I didn’t know back then just who you were connected to. The Freemasons the government the cops and a whole network you were in bed with quite literally. I left you because I realised you had a sex addiction that got worse by the week. You were literally the other half of my soul yet you decided to make me your enemy and tried every which way to erase my soul from this earth. The thing is you really should have tried to find out who I was and the rank I hold in the spirit realm. You should have done your homework before coming for me.  I don’t know all the details of who what why and when because if I had I would’ve sued you all to the hilt. Luckily the God that I serve keeps me close and will always give me back whatever was stolen from me. I won’t be quiet til the whole world knows what you all did to me. I can only thankyou all really because all you did made my faith absolutely unbreakable. I also know that anything that happened to any of you was between you and my God…